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Return Conditions


The return procedure for all products you purchase from our website is regulated in accordance with the Consumer Protection Law and the Distance Contracts Regulation.

Before sending us the product you want to return, be sure to contact us using the phone number or e-mail address in our contact section. Products sent to without notifying you via e-mail will be sent back to our valued customers.

If you return the product you purchased from our company, without damaging it or using it, and with the invoice within seven (7) days from the date of delivery, your transaction will be taken into consideration.

Our company examines the product in detail before sending it to our valued customers and has adopted the principle of not sending you defective goods by making maximum efforts. If the products are sent back to our company, except for defective or defective goods, the shipping fee belongs to you, our valued customers. After the return is received, it is examined by experts whether the return conditions are met. If the return is approved, the price of the products will be refunded to the credit card if the order was placed using a credit card, or to the bank account if the order was placed via money transfer/EFT, within 7 days.